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Steve Gray & Jean-Pierre Fabien - Atmospheric Drama
általános információ
Típus: CD
EAN: BRJ38 203
Kiadó: Bruton Music
Date 1995
Das Stück "Forensic Evidence" von Steve Gray, das hier als Track 4, 20, 33, 49, 50 und 51 in unterschiedlichen Längen vorhanden ist, gehört zum Soundtrack der ersten Staffel der Serie Die Bergpolizei.
Dal lista
01. Steve Gray - Dramatic Action                    3:32
02. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Truth And Consequences 1   3:29
03. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Truth And Consequences 2   1:36
04.  Steve Gray - Forensic Evidence                                        4:04
05. Jean-Pierre Fabien - The Outcast                3:26
06. Steve Gray - Domestic Tragedy 1                 4:00
07. Steve Gray - Domestic Tragedy 2                 0:21
08. Steve Gray - Satanic 1                          3:25
09. Steve Gray - Satanic 2                          0:22
10. Steve Gray - Nostalgic Memories                 4:13
11. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Smell Of Fear 1            4:06
12. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Smell Of Fear 2            0:16
13. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Drama And Courage          2:50
14. Steve Gray - Dead Of Night                      3:46
15. Steve Gray - Empty Wasteland                    3:24
16. Steve Gray - Family Reunion                     3:43
17. Steve Gray - Dramatic Action                    1:03
18. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Truth And Consequences     1:04
19. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Truth And Consequences     1:05
20.  Steve Gray - Forensic Evidence                                        1:02
21. Jean-Pierre Fabien - The Outcast                1:03
22. Steve Gray - Domestic Tragedy                   1:02
23. Steve Gray - Satanic                            1:03
24. Steve Gray - Nostalgic Memories                 1:03
25. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Smell Of Fear              1:03
26. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Drama And Courage          1:03
27. Steve Gray - Dead Of Night                      1:04
28. Steve Gray - Empty Wasteland                    1:02
29. Steve Gray - Family Reunion                     1:03
30. Steve Gray - Dramatic Action                    0:33
31. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Truth And Consequences     0:33
32. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Truth And Consequences     0:34
33.  Steve Gray - Forensic Evidence                                        0:32
34. Jean-Pierre Fabien - The Outcast                0:33
35. Steve Gray - Domestic Tragedy                   0:32
36. Steve Gray - Satanic                            0:33
37. Steve Gray - Nostalgic Memories                 0:32
38. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Smell Of Fear              0:32
39. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Drama And Courage          0:33
40. Steve Gray - Dead Of Night                      0:33
41. Steve Gray - Empty Wasteland                    0:33
42. Steve Gray - Family Reunion                     0:34
43. Steve Gray - Family Reunion                     0:32
44. Steve Gray - Dramatic Action                    0:15
45. Steve Gray - Dramatic Action                    0:11
46. Steve Gray - Dramatic Action                    0:10
47. Steve Gray - Dramatic Action                    0:08
48. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Truth And Consequences     0:25
49.  Steve Gray - Forensic Evidence                                        0:19
50.  Steve Gray - Forensic Evidence                                        0:16
51.  Steve Gray - Forensic Evidence                                        0:14
52. Jean-Pierre Fabien - The Outcast                0:15
53. Jean-Pierre Fabien - The Outcast                0:13
54. Steve Gray - Domestic Tragedy                   0:14
55. Steve Gray - Domestic Tragedy                   0:10
56. Steve Gray - Domestic Tragedy                   0:06
57. Steve Gray - Satanic                            0:12
58. Steve Gray - Satanic                            0:10
59. Steve Gray - Satanic                            0:05
60. Steve Gray - Nostalgic Memories                 0:15
61. Steve Gray - Nostalgic Memories                 0:14
62. Steve Gray - Nostalgic Memories                 0:12
63. Steve Gray - Nostalgic Memories                 0:11
64. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Smell Of Fear              0:16
65. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Smell Of Fear              0:11
66. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Smell Of Fear              0:19
67. Jean-Pierre Fabien - Drama And Courage          0:13
68. Steve Gray - Dead Of Night                      0:11
69. Steve Gray - Dead Of Night                      0:12
70. Steve Gray - Dead Of Night                      0:18
71. Steve Gray - Empty Wasteland                    0:21
72. Steve Gray - Empty Wasteland                    0:15
73. Steve Gray - Empty Wasteland                    0:14
74. Steve Gray - Family Reunion                     0:28
75. Steve Gray - Family Reunion                     0:25
76. Steve Gray - Family Reunion                     0:09
Ez az album a következő film(ek)ből tartalmaz betétdalokat
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Borító Hátsó borító
Erre a médiára ennyien voltak eddig kíváncsiak: 4054.