Deutsch Englisch Ungarisch Italienisch

The Wonders of Aladdin
Allgemeine Angaben
Medientyp: CD
EAN: 7619927290352
Label: Alhambra
Land der Veröffentlichung: Deutschland
Datum 06.01.2017
Music by Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
Conducted by Carlo Savina (Tracks 1-31, 35-36) and Mario Ammonini (Tracks 32-34)
Orchestra Cinefonica Italiana

01. Main Title                                            2:17
02. The Procession                                        1:27
03. The Marketplace                                       1:18
04. Aladdin on the Run                                    5:41
05. The Genie                                             1:13
06. Djalma's Dance                                        1:13
07. The Caravan – The Grand Vizier of Basora              1:04
08. The Deadly Mechanical Doll                            0:31
09. The Caravan Sets Off – On the Way to Basora           2:04
10. Princess Zaina (Longer Version)                       2:06
11. Attack on the Caravan                                 5:27
12. Mirage                                                1:31
13. The Amazons                                           1:47
14. The Genie is Summoned Again                           1:29
15. The Genie and the Amazon                              0:59
16. The Grand Vizier – The Magician                       1:14
17. Prison Break and Recapture                            3:33
18. The Dancing Doll                                      1:02
19. Secret Way to the Palace                              1:08
20. The Skeleton – The Cows – The Prisoners Escape        1:16
21. The Babies are swiched - Rescue of the Kings Nb. Baby 1:07
22. Princess Zaina Enters                                 0:44
23. Aladdin's Dance                                       2:06
24. Wedding Gift from the Beggars                         0:47
25. Palace Fight                                          1:18
26. The Grand Vizier's Horsemen                           1:22
27. Aladdin's Duel with the Grand Vizier                  2:46
28. The Flying Carpet – Finale (Film Version)             1:08
BONUS TRACKS                                              
29. The Marketplace (Longer Version)                      1:32
30. Princess Zaina (Film Version)                         1:23
31. Finale (Longer Version)                               1:21
32. Attack on the Caravan (US Version)                    5:31
33. Mirage (US Version)                                   1:00
34. Prison Break (US Version)                             2:06
35. Fanfare #1                                            0:14
36. Fanfare #2                                            0:05
Dieser Soundtrack enthält Songs aus folgenden Filmen
Aladins Abenteuer
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