Német Angol Magyar Olasz

Nevem: Thomas

Dubbing versions
Currently shown version
Magyar változat
Book: Ágnes Erős
Director: Ágnes Sostarics
All dubbing versions
Opening and final credits
Kapcsolódó linkek
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Nevem: Thomas
Il mio nome è Thomas
Olaszország 2018 - 96 Min.
Mutasd a nemzetközi címeket

A man sets out on a motorcycle. His destination is the southern Spanish desert near Almerìa. In the solitude there, he would like to read the religious book "Letters from the Desert" once again. But first he goes to a nearby monastery to say goodbye. The monks not only wish him all the best, but also give him a new name on the way: Thomas. Thomas soon has to say goodbye to the thought of the planned loneliness, because at a rest stop he meets the young Lucia, who is being chased and harassed by two gangsters. Thomas helps her and takes her with him. As it turns out Lucia also wants to travel to Spain to visit her aunt. That's what she tells Thomas. On the ferry from Civitavecchia to Barcelona the unequal couple slowly gets closer and Thomas recognizes that Lucia is carrying a secret with her. Arriving in Barcelona Thomas realizes that no aunt is waiting for Lucia. Lucia says she had not managed to pick her up and she now has to continue to Málaga. So the journey together continues to Almerìa. In the desert they finally read the book together and find peace.

The film was to be called La chiamavano Maryam in 2016. On December 8, 2016 Terence Hill presented the film to the public for the first time in the Italian game show Rischiatutto and also presented a first trailer in which the film still had this title. But the release was delayed and so the movie got the new title "Gone for a while..." in 2017. (in Italy also translated as "Me ne vado per un pò..."). On February 14, 2018, the German distributor finally announced the film. It is now called "My name is Thomas", apparently a reference to "My name is Nobody", with which the film itself of course has nothing to do. On March 18, 2018, the date for the Italian cinema release was finally announced on April 19, 2018. At the same time, a new trailer was released, according to which the film will now also be entitled "Il mio nome è Thomas" in Italy.

The shooting began in Rome on September 15, 2016. The film was also shot in Civitavecchia, on board of the Grimaldi Lines ferry Cruise Roma, in Barcelona and on the Spanish coast. From mid-October, the film was finally shot in Almería and the surrounding desert. The shooting was finished in the middle of November.

The book Thomas wants to read in the desert is the real work "Lettere dal deserto" (Letters from the Desert) by the Italian clergyman Carlo Carretto. It was published in Italy in the early 1970s and must have had a lasting impact on Terence Hill.

The title song The World under my shoes was written by Franco Micalizzi, who also composed the music for They call me Trinity, Go for it and Double Trouble. There is an instrumental and a sung version. The song is sung by Albert Douglas Meakin, who has already interpreted the songs Mr. Nothinggoesright, In the middle of all that trouble again and What's goin' on (in Brazil). The distinctive whistling in the song comes from Alessandro Alessandroni, who has already been heard as a whistler in the Trinity title song and in various melodies by Ennio Morricone. For Alessandroni it was his last job at the age of 91.

14.04.2018 Olaszország Weltpremiere Terni, City Plex Politeama Lucioli
19.04.2018 Olaszország Mozipremier
20.08.2018 Németország Deutschland-Premiere Dresden, Filmnächte am Elbufer
23.08.2018 Németország Mozipremier 36.362 Besucher
07.09.2018 Ausztria Mozipremier Pasching, Hollywood Megaplex PlusCity
20.09.2018 Magyarország Ungarn-Premiere Budapest, Corvin mozi
04.10.2018 Magyarország Mozipremier
29.12.2019 Olaszország TV Premier Rai Uno (3,075 Millionen Zuschauer bei 14,3% MA)
02.12.2022 Németország TV Premier PayTV - Sky Cinema Classics
19.10.2024 Németország TV Premier FreeTV - MDR Fernsehen
További főcím képek:
Italien (Trailer 2) Italien (Trailer 1) Németország Olaszország

Mutasd a kiegészítő leírást
No. Színész Szerep Szinkron színész Kép InfóIMDb
Closing credits
1 Terence Hill ThomasÚjréti László
2 Veronica Bitto Lucia CannarozzoTamási Nikolett
3 Guia Jelo Rosaria Cannarozzo, Lucias TanteAndresz Kati
4 Andy Luotto AbtForgács Gábor
5 Francesca Beggio Mutter aus Nazareth
6 Giuseppe Gandini Padre FelicinoKerekes József
7 Matt Patresi Max
8 Renato Ansaldi Tankwart
9 Cinzia Susino
(Ihre Szenen wurden geschnitten)
10 Cesare Galli Padre Speranza  
11 Eva Basteiro-Bertoli
(Rollenbild auf Wunsch der Darstellerin gelöscht)
Ärztin im Krankenhaus 
12 Lorenzo Gasperini
(con i piccoli; Szenen wurden geschnitten)
Thomas, der Junge aus Nazareth  
13 Alba Santiago
(con i piccoli; nicht sicher)
Additional actors
14 Giovanni Malafronte
Bedienung auf dem Schiff
15 Alessio Selli Bedienung auf dem Rasthof 
16 Beatrice Marino Mädchen auf dem Schiff  
17 Gianantonio Martinoni
(Szenen wurden geschnitten)
Modenese / Ferrari-Mann 
18 Luis Santiago Einer der Flamencogruppe  
19 Eduardo Aguilera Einer der Flamencogruppe  
20 Eduardo Garcia Bermudez Flamencotänzer  
21 Mayte Beltran Flamencotänzerin  
22 Maria Isabel Martin Flamencotänzerin  
23 Antonio Garcia Einer der Flamencogruppe  
24 Raul Cervetto MotorradfahrerElőd Álmos  
25 Jose Sanchez Pascual
(Szene wurden geschnitten)
26 Carmen Santiago Cortes ZigeunermädchenGulás Fanni  
Nem feltüntetett színészek
27 Marcus Zölch Hotelgast
28 Claudio Pacifico Nico
29 Angelo Ragusa Schläger in der Kneipe
30 Roberto Dell'Acqua Gast in der Kneipe
31 Christian Dell'Acqua Schläger in der KneipeGalbenisz Tomasz
32 Giorgio Francesco Palombi Schläger in der Kneipe 
33 Lorenzo Faraglia Schläger in der Kneipe  
34 Marco Aurelio Domizi   
35 Daniele Mancini   
36 Marco Stefanelli
(nicht sicher)
Schläger in der Kneipe
37 Marco Tosi   
Mutasd az ismeretlen szereplők képgalériáját
Franco Micalizzi (Titelsong), Pino Donaggio (Musiche)
Luisa Tonon (Sceneggiatura), Terence Hill (Soggetto e sceneggiatura)
Kaszkadőr vezető
Ottaviano Dell'Acqua (Stunt coordinator)
Roberta Allegrini (Fotografia), Enrico Zanetti (Assistente operatore), Alessandro Merluzzi (Assistente operatore), Giuseppe Tarantini (Aiuto operatore), Luisa Cosentino (Fotografo di scena)
Luca Benedetti (Montaggio), Mascia Calamandrei (Assistente al montaggio), Sandra Eterovic (Assistente al montaggio)
Francesco Bronzi (Scenografia), Matteo La Torre (Assistente scenografo), Eleonora Emili (Aiuto assistente scenografo)
Marina Roberti (Costumi), Claudio Paolo Laganà (Assistente costumista), Katia Folco (Aiuto costumista), Paola Seghetti (Sarta)
Maurizio Nardi (Truccatore), Ilenia Corini (Aiuto truccatore), Lidia Mini (Aiuto truccatore)
Marta Iacoponi (Parrucchiere), Gabriele Gregorini (Aiuto parrucchiere), Stefano Pompei (Aiuto parrucchiere), Martha Vicini (Aiuto parrucchiere)
Chiara Agnello (Casting)
Antongiorgio Sabia (Suono in presa diretta), Omar Abouzaid (Montatore di presa diretta), Christian Zampagni (Microfonista)
Alessia Riveruzzi (Segretaria di edizione)
Gyártó cég
Paloma Films (als Paloma 4 srl)
Paolo Giacomo Marino (Aiuto regia), Massimiliano Battistella (Assistente alla regia)
Jess Hill (Prodotto da; per Paloma4 srl), Anselmo Parrinello (Produttore esecutivo), Paolo Luvisotti (Produttore esecutivo), Francesco Morbilli (Direttore di produzione), Francesco Paolo Renda (Ispettore di produzione), Edoardo Petix (II Ispettore di produzione (Roma)), Alessia Jannece (Coordinatrice di produzione), Giorgio Vigna (Segretario di produzione)
Terence Hill
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