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Alba pagana (1970)

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John Gayford
Voice actor
No. Title Actor Role
1 The Hassled Hooker (The True and the False) Enzo Robutti Manca, Kollege von Turrisi
2 Flatfoot in Africa (Flatfoot in Africa) Desmond Thompson John Desmond
3 Who finds a Friend finds a Treasure (Who finds a friend finds a treasure) Claudio Ruffini Anführer der Piraten
4 Banana Joe (Banana Joe (engl.)) Gunther Philipp Schneider
5 Big Man: Boomerang (Big Man - Boomerang (engl.)) Paolo Casella General bei Waffenpräsentation
6 Big Man: The False Etruscan (Big Man: The False Etruscan) Mario Pilar Voltera
7 Big Man: A policy for hell (Big Man: A policy for hell) Gianluigi Pizzetti Hotelbesitzer
Number of visits: 1881