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Quel fantasma di mio marito

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 Quel fantasma di mio marito
Quel fantasma di mio marito
Italy 1949 - 95 Min.
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The journalist Gianni is a lovable guy whose only dream is to start a family with his beloved wife Vivia and to live a quiet life in the countryside. Vivia has, to his disappointment, much more ambitious goals in life. She has just started her own business as a fashion designer and is now trying to make a name for herself in the better circles of Rome. When Gianni quits a top story because of his too good heart and threatens to lose his job, Vivia ensnares the newspaper director until he promotes Gianna to special reporter in Palestine. Gianni does not want that, but Vivia immediately has a great new idea. Gianni should do the job for a while, then fake his death, then miraculously reappear, only to tell the assembled press a great story about his experiences in the desert when he returns. Out of love Gianni agrees and sets off for Palestine. But when he fakes his death something goes wrong, so that Gianni actually drowns in a river. But Gianni is not completely in the hereafter, he reappears as a ghost to Vivia. She needs some time to realize what happened, but then she realizes through her experiences that in her deepest heart she wants nothing else than to spend her life with Gianni, too. So she spends a few happy days with the ghost of Gianni until something incredible happens again. In faraway Palestine the doctors manage to revive Gianni, which is why the ghost has to return to his body. At first Vivia is completely devastated because she doesn't know why the ghost suddenly had to disappear, but after Giannis triumphant return from Palestine the sadness dissolves into boundless joy. Vivia's original plan is now a complete success, but the young couple doesn't want any more publicity. They move out to the country and spend their lives with their newly born daughter in peace among pear trees.

Bud Spencer has only a very short guest appearance in this comedy. He plays an unnamed guest at a pool party at the newspaper director's house. Here the main character Vivia suffers a weakness attack while swimming. Bud hurries to her aid, pulls her out of the water and then carries her into the house. He is not allowed to say anything in this role.

Bud Spencer's participation in this film was unknown until 2014. Until then, his small role in Quo vadis?, shot two years later, was considered his first appearance in front of the camera. "Quel fantasma di mio marito" did not appear in any filmography of Bud Spencer until then and also in his autobiography the film is not mentioned by Spencer. The discovery of his role in February 2014 was a big surprise.

Bud Spencer could only remember his participation after the scene was described. At that time he was training with some teammates of his swimming team in the pool when the shooting took place there. He was spontaneously asked if he would like to play the scene. He did, but he didn't know exactly what kind of production this shooting was for. This also explains the presence of Bud's swimming buddy Aurelio Crugnola in the scene.

One reason for the late rediscovery of Bud's first role is that the Sicilian production company "Briguglio Film" was closed shortly after the film's release in 1950. As a result, the film was only shown in cinemas for a very short time and then disappeared completely from public view for almost 60 years. 2009 some of the company's films were rediscovered in the archives and restored, including "Quel fantasma di mio marito".

The restored version of the film was first released on DVD in Italy in 2009. There were further releases in 2013 and 2015. There is no other version of the film, but all Italian DVDs contain English, French and German subtitles. So they are quite interesting for fans from abroad, too.

"Quel fantasma di mio marito" has not yet been released outside from Italy. Literally translated into English, the film would be called "The Ghost of my Husband".

Italian DVD: 95:19 minutes.

Release Dates:
03.02.1950 Italy Premiere

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No. Actor Role (Descriptions in German) Voice Actor Picture InfoIMDb
Opening credits
1 Walter Chiari Gianni Alberti
2 Medy Saint Michel Vivia Alberti 
3 Ernesto Almirante Onkel Villa
4 Cesare Bettarini Der Direktor
5 Enzo Biliotti Senator Guarnieri
6 Franco Coop Kalif El Kebir
7 Leo Garavaglia
(als Leo Caravaglia)
Colonello Achille Santi
8 Jole Fierro Maria Blond
9 Gianna Dauro
(als Gianna D'Auro)
Madame Du Parc
10 Carlo Rizzo Der Hotelier
11 Enrico Luzi Slim
12 Agnese Dubbini Fatima
13 Katia Siffi Ginetta  
Uncredited Actors
14 Bud Spencer
(als Carlo Pedersoli)
Mann der Vivia aus dem Pool rettet
15 Aurelio Crugnola
(sehr wahrscheinlich)
Gast auf Poolparty
16 Leopoldo Valentini Telefonist
17 Eugenio Galadini Kellner  
18 Marco Tulli Arcangelo, Chauffeur von Signora Dominedio
19 Alberto Plebani Einer der vom Telefonisten angerufen wird  
20 Manlio Dalla Pria Gast auf Vivias Modeschau  
21 Renato Malavasi Alfredo 
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Franco Casavola (Musiche di), Ugo Giacomozzi (Dirette da)
Camillo Mastrocinque (Sceneggiatura e dialoghi), Gino De Santis (Soggetto di; Sceneggiatura e dialoghi)
Director of Photography
Giuseppe La Torre (Fotografia), Franco La Torre (Operatore alla machina)
Eraldo Da Roma (Montaggio)
Art Direction
Angelo Zagame (Arredamento)
Make up
Antonio Marini (Truccatore)
Mariano Laurenti (Segretaria di edizione)
Production company
Briguglio Film
Assistant director
Giorgio Riganti (Aiuto Regista)
Domenico Fazzari (Organizzazione generale), Gianni Solitro (Collaboratore alla Produzione), Domenico Bologna (Collaboratore alla Produzione), Giuseppe M. Loprete (Segretaria alla Produzione)
Camillo Mastrocinque (Regia)
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This movie can be found on following media
Type Title Publisher Country Date
DVD Quel fantasma di mio maritoQuel fantasma di mio marito CG Entertainment Italy 22.09.2015
DVD Quel fantasma di mio maritoQuel fantasma di mio marito Medusa Video Italy 21.01.2013
DVD Briguglio Film - Edizione Speciale Limitata (2 DVDs)Briguglio Film - Edizione Speciale Limitata (2 DVDs) Medusa Video Italy 25.11.2009
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