Dave Speed is a young patrol man in Miami, Florida, who after accidental exposure to nuclear radiation develops incredible powers. He can see round corners, move a driver-less truck, race up 20 flights of stairs in 20 seconds, and fall from a window high up in a skyscraper and land on his feet, unhurt. He is in many ways a super cop, but his powers fail him when he sees the colour red. Anything red, from a girl's bathing costume to a traffic light. Dave's friend and surperior in the force is hard-bitten campaigner Sgt. Willie Dunlop. The pair are expected to pull their weight in the city's bid to uncover a counterfeit ring. Led by underworld boss Torpedo, the gang is causing havoc by flooding the city with forged banknotes. Pulling their weight lands the two cops in big trouble. But in this light-hearted action adventure there is plenty of scope for Dave to test his astonishing powers in the course of tracking down the crooks.