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Don Matteo 4 - Live murder
Member of a Series
60. part of the series
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Dubbing versions
Currently shown version
Deutsche Fassung
Legendary Units GmbH
Die deutsche Fassung wurde 2023 für die TV- und DVD-Premiere im Auftrag von Marcus Zölch für Paloma Productions erstellt.
Book: Bodo Goldbeck
Director: Sven Riemann
Benjamin Plath
All dubbing versions
Opening and final credits
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Don Matteo 4 - Live murder
Don Matteo 4 - Delitto in diretta
Italy 2004 - 52 Min.
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Gubbio ist im Musikfieber. Die örtliche Band "Crysis" steht vor ihren großen Durchbruch. Don Matteo, der mittlerweile eine Art Talkshow im Radio moderiert, darf für eben diese Show ein Interview mit der Band führen. Zur Seite steht ihm dabei der DJ Paco, der beim Radiosender so etwas wie der Star ist und auch als Entdecker und Songschreiber der Band gilt. Am Abend des gleichen Tages moderiert Paco alleine die Spätsendung im Radio, die auch Don Matteo zufällig hört. Und dann geschieht das Unglaubliche: Es erklingt ein Schuss und man hört Paco zusammensacken. Die von verschiedenen Hörern verständigte Polizei findet schließlich den toten Moderator im Sender. Selbstverständlich ist auch Don Matteo direkt zum Sender geeilt. Ohnehin ist er in dem Fall ein wichtiger Zeuge, da er die Leute im Sender kennt und am Tag der Ermordung ebenfalls vor Ort gewesen ist. So kann er z.B. auch von einem Streit zwischen Paco und dem Chef des Senders Mr. Fascetti berichten. Als schließlich auch noch ein Zeuge auftaucht, der Fascetti beim Entsorgen seiner Waffe beobachtet hat, wird Fascetti festgenommen. Damit ist der Fall eigentlich abgeschlossen, doch dann stellt sich raus, dass auch die Bandmitglieder von Crysis nicht gut auf Paco zu sprechen gewesen sind. Überhaupt scheint Paco nicht der nette Kerl gewesen zu sein, der er zu sein schien. Anhand einer charakteristischen Textzeile der Crysis-Erfolgssingle erkennt Don Matteo schließlich den wahren Schreiber des Songs und somit das wirkliche Motiv für den Mord.

Die Erfolgssingle der fiktiven Band "Crysis", um die sich in der Folge alles dreht, heißt "Voglio tutto". Sie wurde von Pino Donaggio komponiert und von Angela Milanese gesungen. Der Song wurde auf der Soundtrack-CD zur Serie veröffentlicht.

Bei einer der Radioshows, die Don Matteo mitmoderiert, läuft im Hintergrund mal wieder der Song "I'm coming home" - das Titellied aus Die Troublemaker.

In der Rolle der Sonia Mikovich ist Magdalena Grochowska zu sehen. Grochowska gehörte zum festen Cast der zweiten Staffel von Die Bergpolizei - Ganz nah am Himmel. Sie spielte dort die Ärztin Emma, eine Freundin von Pietro.

Der Radiomoderator DJ Paco wird gespielt von Ignazio Raso. Raso stammt aus der Branche. Bekannt wurde er als VJ bei MTV Italia.

Es handelt sich bei dieser Episode um die zwölfte Folge der vierten Staffel der Serie Don Matteo, durchgehend gezählt ist es Folge 60.

Laufzeit australische DVD: 51:56 Minuten.

Release Dates:
25.03.2004 Italy Television premiere Rai Uno
20.05.2010 Hungary
19.01.2024 Germany Television premiere Bibel-TV

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No. Actor Role (Descriptions in German) Voice Actor Picture InfoIMDb
Opening credits
1 Terence Hill
Don MatteoDennis Schmidt-Foß
2 Nino Frassica
(è il Maresciallo Cecchini)
Maresciallo CecchiniTilo Schmitz
3 Flavio Insinna
(è il capitano Anceschi)
Capitano AnceschiUlrich Blöcher
4 Nathalie Guettá
(nel ruolo di Natalina)
NatalinaJanina Sachau
5 Milena Miconi
(spielt nicht mit)
Bürgermeisterin Laura Respighi
6 Andrea Cereatti Appuntato LinettiSascha Krüger
7 Sara Santostasi CamillaZarah Güttersberger
8 Francesco Scali PippoRobert Frank
Actors in this episode
9 Pamela Saino Patrizia CecchiniElla Pfeiffer
10 Francesco Acquaroli Alex FascettiFelix Würgler 
11 Giorgia Porchetti AlessiaAnna Luise Borner 
12 Ignazio Raso
DJ PacoIlja Schierbaum 
13 Giorgia Brugnoli AmandaJohanna Riemann
14 Carmelo Galati
Paolo, Bandmitglied
15 Magdalena Grochowska Sonia MikovichBianca Warnek
16 Caterina Sylos Labini
(è la Signora Cecchini)
Caterina CecchiniFranziska Kruse
Closing credits
17 Simonetta Graziano GerichtsmedizinerinNicola Ditter 
Uncredited Actors
18 Giada Arena Assuntina Cecchini
Show gallery with pictures of unknown actors
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Natale Massara (Diretta da), Pino Donaggio (Musica composta da)
Alessandra Caneva (Soggetto di serie con la collaborazione di), Alessandro Bencivenni (Soggetto di serie), Alessandro Jacchia (Soggetto di serie con la collaborazione di; Format di serie), Domenico Saverni (Soggetto di serie), Enrico Oldoini (Soggetto di serie; Da un idea di), Francesca Tura (Story editor RAI), Giovanni Capetta (Story editor), Isabella Franconetti (Soggetto e sceneggiatura), Lara Ampollini (da un'idea di), Lea Tafuri (Story editor), Mario Ruggeri (Assistente story editor), Mauro Marsili (Soggetto e sceneggiatura), Sabina Marabini (Story editor), Sara Melodia (Story editor)
Director of Photography
Fabrizio Lucci (Direttore della fotografia), Massimo Lupi (Direttore della fotografia), Giovanni Brescini (Operatore alla macchina), Fabio Di Battista (Assistente operatore), Alessandro Filippucci (Assistente operatore), Maurizio Scorziello (Aiuto operatore), Sandro De Pascalis (Operatore steadycam), Alessandro Signori (Operatore steadycam), Andrea Bassani (Video assist), Simone Nocera (Video assist), Alessandro Cosmelli (Fotografo di scena), Fabio Cuttica (Fotografo di scena; per Contrasto), Gaetano Coniglio (Caposquadra elettricisti), Gaetano Barbera (Caposquadra macchinisti)
Roberto Siciliano (Montaggio), Antonio Siciliano (Montaggio), Andrea Caterini (Assistente al montaggio), Paola Moschini (Assistente al montaggio)
Art Direction
Valentino Salvati (Scenografia), Gualtiero Caprara (Scenografia), Davide Anello (Assistente scenografo), Massimo Moriani (Assistente scenografo), Giampiero Lombardini (Aiuto scenografo), Alessandra Martelli (Arredamento)
Maurizio Basile (Costumi), Margherita Pansini (Assistente costumista), Chiara Fabbri (Assistente costumista), Anna Sciotti (Sarta)
Make up
Marisa Marconi (Capo truccatore), Simona Castaldi (Truccatore), Lucia Calò (Truccatore)
Hair stylist
Fulvio Zucconi (Parrucchiere), Laura Pagliazzi (Parrucchiera), Cinzia Ruzzolini (Parrucchiera)
Monica Papini (Segretaria di edizione), Isabella Guio (Segretaria di edizione), Giulia Contino (Segretaria di edizione)
Fabiola Banzi (Tipota S.r.l. di)
Umberto Montesanti (Fonico in presa diretta), Mauro Lazzaro (Fonico in presa diretta, Microfonista), Ettore Mancini (Microfonista), Alfonso Montesanti (Microfonista)
Production company
RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana, Lux Vide, Rai Fiction
Assistant director
Francesca Farneti (Aiuto regia), Francesco Sperandeo (Assistente alla regia), Massimiliano Camaiti (Assistente alla regia), Flavia Carimini (Assistente alla regia), Nicole Biondi (Assistente alla regia)
Gesamtleitung Deutschland
Marcus Zölch
Matilde Bernabei (Prodotto da), Luca Bernabei (Prodotto da), Luca Manzi (Produttore Lux Vide), Lorenza Bizzarri (Produttore RAI), Daniele Passani (Produttore esecutivo), Fabio Laureti (Direttore di produzione), Francesco Benvenuti (Ispettore di produzione), Antonino Mosciarello (Amministratore), Lucia Ceresa (Segretaria di produzione), Fabio Di Dionisio (Segretario di produzione), Roberta Tonni (Segretaria di produzione)
Andrea Barzini
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This movie can be found on following media
Type Title Publisher Country Date
Blu-ray Don Matteo - Staffel 4 (6 Blu-rays, Amazon)Don Matteo - Staffel 4 (6 Blu-rays, Amazon) Faith Movies Germany 13.05.2024
DVD Don Matteo - Staffel 4 (8 DVDs, Amazon)Don Matteo - Staffel 4 (8 DVDs, Amazon) Faith Movies Germany 13.05.2024
Blu-ray Don Matteo - Staffel 4 - Limitierte Ausgabe (6 Blu-rays)Don Matteo - Staffel 4 - Limitierte Ausgabe (6 Blu-rays) Paloma Productions Germany 25.04.2024
DVD Don Matteo - Staffel 4 - Limitierte Ausgabe (8 DVDs)Don Matteo - Staffel 4 - Limitierte Ausgabe (8 DVDs) Paloma Productions Germany 25.04.2024
DVD Don Matteo Stagione 4Don Matteo Stagione 4 Multimedia San Paolo Italy 05.01.2017
DVD Don Matteo - Set 7 (4 DVDs)Don Matteo - Set 7 (4 DVDs) Mhz Networks USA 23.09.2014
DVD Don Matteo - Series 4 - Disc 2 (2 DVDs)Don Matteo - Series 4 - Disc 2 (2 DVDs) Madman Entertainment Australia 07.11.2007
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60. part of the series "Don Matteo"
Part Title Year
1 Don Matteo - The stranger 1999
2 Don Matteo - A routine operation 1999
3 Don Matteo - The courage to speak 1999
4 Don Matteo - Anna 1999
5 Don Matteo - The scorpion's strategy 1999
6 Don Matteo - A matter of smell 1999
7 Don Matteo - The antique rose 1999
8 Don Matteo - The little angel 1999
9 Don Matteo - Awaiting trial 1999
10 Don Matteo - Blackmail 1999
11 Don Matteo - The actor 1999
12 Don Matteo - State of intoxication 1999
13 Don Matteo - Academic crime 1999
14 Don Matteo - Ageless love 1999
15 Don Matteo - The fire of passion 1999
16 Don Matteo - The bad apple 1999
17 Don Matteo 2 - The poisoned apple 2001
18 Don Matteo 2 - Branded skin 2001
19 Don Matteo 2 - Heart of ice 2001
20 Don Matteo 2 - Everything and now 2001
21 Don Matteo 2 - Five lobsters 2001
22 Don Matteo 2 - Revenge 2001
23 Don Matteo 2 - The Coach 2001
24 Don Matteo 2 - Heavyweight 2001
25 Don Matteo 2 - A gamble 2001
26 Don Matteo 2 - Marry in haste 2001
27 Don Matteo 2 - The band 2001
28 Don Matteo 2 - Snakebite 2001
29 Don Matteo 2 - It takes guts 2001
30 Don Matteo 2 - Playing with fire 2001
31 Don Matteo 2 - Offsides 2001
32 Don Matteo 2 - The confession 2001
33 Don Matteo 3 - The secrets of the heart 2002
34 Don Matteo 3 - In love it's never too late 2002
35 Don Matteo 3 - Scandal in the city 2002
36 Don Matteo 3 - Kidnapped 2002
37 Don Matteo 3 - The past returns 2002
38 Don Matteo 3 - Fear onstage 2002
39 Don Matteo 3 - Beauty farm 2002
40 Don Matteo 3 - The job 2002
41 Don Matteo 3 - The beauty 2002
42 Don Matteo 3 - The convent's mystery 2002
43 Don Matteo 3 - The witness 2002
44 Don Matteo 3 - Natalina in love 2002
45 Don Matteo 3 - Three marriages and one father christmas 2002
46 Don Matteo 3 - The king of chess 2002
47 Don Matteo 3 - Anonymous letter 2002
48 Don Matteo 3 - The fall 2002
49 Don Matteo 4 - Election campaign 2004
50 Don Matteo 4 - Murder in the library 2004
51 Don Matteo 4 - My father has been in jail 2004
52 Don Matteo 4 - A debt for life 2004
53 Don Matteo 4 - Dancing competition 2004
54 Don Matteo 4 - Death at Dawn 2004
55 Don Matteo 4 - Comma 23 2004
56 Don Matteo 4 - The poisened chalice 2004
57 Don Matteo 4 - The suitcase 2004
58 Don Matteo 4 - Stolen love 2004
59 Don Matteo 4 - The heart's somersaults 2004
60 Don Matteo 4 - Live murder 2004
61 Don Matteo 4 - Private investigations 2004
62 Don Matteo 4 - Kidnapped children 2004
63 Don Matteo 4 - Mysteries and lies 2004
64 Don Matteo 4 - Behind the curtain 2004
65 Don Matteo 4 - Precious goods 2004
66 Don Matteo 4 - The gift 2004
67 Don Matteo 4 - The suspect 2004
68 Don Matteo 4 - The laws of chance 2004
69 Don Matteo 4 - Lonely Hearts 2004
70 Don Matteo 4 - Cows and Cattle 2004
71 Don Matteo 4 - The Baby-Bottle Crime 2004
72 Don Matteo 4 - Three Shots in the Dark 2004
73 Don Matteo 5 - Reckoning with the Past 2005
74 Don Matteo 5 - Bloody Tarot Cards 2005
75 Don Matteo 5 - In the Moonlight 2005
76 Don Matteo 5 - True Fakes 2005
77 Don Matteo 5 - The Last Puzzle 2005
78 Don Matteo 5 - English Tourist 2005
79 Don Matteo 5 - Self-Defense 2005
80 Don Matteo 5 - The Power of a Smile 2005
81 Don Matteo 5 - The Last Prey 2005
82 Don Matteo 5 - An ordinary Sunday 2005
83 Don Matteo 5 - Human Error 2005
84 Don Matteo 5 - Broken Dreams 2005
85 Don Matteo 5 - The Debutante Ball 2005
86 Don Matteo 5 - Poisoned Water 2005
87 Don Matteo 5 - Fallen from the Sky 2005
88 Don Matteo 5 - Dreams and Needs 2005
89 Don Matteo 5 - Memory Lapse 2005
90 Don Matteo 5 - Dirty Laundry 2005
91 Don Matteo 5 - Arabesque 2005
92 Don Matteo 5 - The Winning Horse 2005
93 Don Matteo 5 - The Last Judgement 2005
94 Don Matteo 5 - Elections of the Heart 2005
95 Don Matteo 5 - The Stakes 2005
96 Don Matteo 5 - False Start 2005
97 Don Matteo 6 - Welcome Back Don Matteo 2007
98 Don Matteo 6 - The Aroma of Coffee 2007
99 Don Matteo 6 - Chocolate 2007
100 Don Matteo 6 - An Angel's Room 2007
101 Don Matteo 6 - Young Dancers 2007
102 Don Matteo 6 - Death of a Storyteller 2007
103 Don Matteo 6 - The Rhythm of Pedals 2007
104 Don Matteo 6 - The Dog who Disappeared 2007
105 Don Matteo 6 - A Touch of Rouge 2007
106 Don Matteo 6 - Wellness Therapy 2007
107 Don Matteo 6 - A Restless Spirit 2007
108 Don Matteo 6 - The Secrets of Others 2007
109 Don Matteo 6 - Francesca and the Wolf 2007
110 Don Matteo 6 - The Carousel 2007
111 Don Matteo 6 - I'll Save You 2007
112 Don Matteo 6 - A Valentine for Natalina 2007
113 Don Matteo 6 - A Stolen Dream 2007
114 Don Matteo 6 - Close Encounters 2007
115 Don Matteo 6 - Natalina's Brother 2007
116 Don Matteo 6 - Romantic Crisis 2007
117 Don Matteo 6 - Beyond the Wall 2007
118 Don Matteo 6 - The Treasure of Orpheus 2007
119 Don Matteo 6 - Good Boys 2007
120 Don Matteo 6 - A Test for Don Matteo 2007
121 Don Matteo 7 - The Last Jump 2009
122 Don Matteo 7 - The Art of Growing Up 2009
123 Don Matteo 7 - Bear Tracks 2009
124 Don Matteo 7 - The Girl wihout Name 2009
125 Don Matteo 7 - No Joke 2009
126 Don Matteo 7 - Prime Numbers 2009
127 Don Matteo 7 - Behind Convent Walls 2009
128 Don Matteo 7 - Dear Dad 2009
129 Don Matteo 7 - A Question of Honor 2009
130 Don Matteo 7 - Never say 30 2009
131 Don Matteo 7 - The Ring 2009
132 Don Matteo 7 - Who killed Sitting Bull? 2009
133 Don Matteo 7 - Ambitious Goals 2009
134 Don Matteo 7 - The Anniversary 2009
135 Don Matteo 7 - Dance with me 2009
136 Don Matteo 7 - Race against Time 2009
137 Don Matteo 7 - The wrong Road 2009
138 Don Matteo 7 - A friendly Chat 2009
139 Don Matteo 7 - Perfect 2009
140 Don Matteo 7 - Tango 2009
141 Don Matteo 7 - For a Mother 2009
142 Don Matteo 7 - Shadows of the Heart 2009
143 Don Matteo 7 - A Daisy for Natalina 2009
144 Don Matteo 7 - Whatever it takes 2009
145 Don Matteo 8 - That was my Daughter 2011
146 Don Matteo 8 - Rave Party 2011
147 Don Matteo 8 - Proof of Love 2011
148 Don Matteo 8 - The Man who could fly 2011
149 Don Matteo 8 - The Return 2011
150 Don Matteo 8 - Three Grandchildren and a Nanny 2011
151 Don Matteo 8 - Severino in Love 2011
152 Don Matteo 8 - Another Life 2011
153 Don Matteo 8 - Marry me 2011
154 Don Matteo 8 - Deception 2011
155 Don Matteo 8 - The Father-in-law ist always right 2011
156 Don Matteo 8 - The Secrets of Gubbio 2011
157 Don Matteo 8 - Life choices 2011
158 Don Matteo 8 - Generation Y 2011
159 Don Matteo 8 - The most beautiful Day 2011
160 Don Matteo 8 - Miracle Baby 2011
161 Don Matteo 8 - Old Friends 2011
162 Don Matteo 8 - The contested Child 2011
163 Don Matteo 8 - A shadow of suspicion 2011
164 Don Matteo 8 - Investigation of a Daughter 2011
165 Don Matteo 8 - Love is not enough 2011
166 Don Matteo 8 - Betrayal 2011
167 Don Matteo 8 - All is Lost 2011
168 Don Matteo 8 - Don Matteo stands accused 2011
169 Don Matteo 9 - A New Beginning 2013
170 Don Matteo 9 - The Second Wife 2013
171 Don Matteo 9 - The Prosecutor's Witness 2013
172 Don Matteo 9 - Love Put to the Test 2013
173 Don Matteo 9 - A Record for Life 2013
174 Don Matteo 9 - Out of this World 2013
175 Don Matteo 9 - A Daughter’s Courage 2013
176 Don Matteo 9 - Hanging On by a Thread 2013
177 Don Matteo 9 - The Final Blow 2013
178 Don Matteo 9 - Cyberbulli 2013
179 Don Matteo 9 - Near and Far 2013
180 Don Matteo 9 - A Losing Bet 2013
181 Don Matteo 9 - The Price of Love 2013
182 Don Matteo 9 - The Foreigner 2013
183 Don Matteo 9 - A Question of Priority 2013
184 Don Matteo 9 - A Choice 2013
185 Don Matteo 9 - Under Attack 2013
186 Don Matteo 9 - The Fortune Teller 2013
187 Don Matteo 9 - Custody Battles 2013
188 Don Matteo 9 - My Son 2013
189 Don Matteo 9 - Family Business 2013
190 Don Matteo 9 - Nothing to Lose 2013
191 Don Matteo 9 - A Real Fairy Tale 2013
192 Don Matteo 9 - Alma's Return 2013
193 Don Matteo 9 - Old Memories 2013
194 Don Matteo 9 - Goodbye Natalina! 2013
195 Don Matteo 10 - Guilt 2015
196 Don Matteo 10 - Forbidden Shots 2015
197 Don Matteo 10 - No Escape 2015
198 Don Matteo 10 - Safety Distance 2015
199 Don Matteo 10 - I Thought It Was Love 2015
200 Don Matteo 10 - Out of the Game 2015
201 Don Matteo 10 - Don’t Blame the Stars 2015
202 Don Matteo 10 - Medical Market 2015
203 Don Matteo 10 - Small Town Love 2015
204 Don Matteo 10 - The Shopping Cart Man 2015
205 Don Matteo 10 - What Are You Worth? 2015
206 Don Matteo 10 - Delivered From Evil 2015
207 Don Matteo 10 - Little Stars 2015
208 Don Matteo 10 - Cam Mom 2015
209 Don Matteo 10 - The Promise 2015
210 Don Matteo 10 - Life Is a Film 2015
211 Don Matteo 10 - Finding an Old Friend 2015
212 Don Matteo 10 - Two Mothers 2015
213 Don Matteo 10 - The Movie Star 2015
214 Don Matteo 10 - Deception 2015
215 Don Matteo 10 - One Last Memory 2015
216 Don Matteo 10 - Resurrection 2015
217 Don Matteo 10 - The Infection 2015
218 Don Matteo 10 - One Last Ride on the Carousel 2015
219 Don Matteo 10 - The Escape 2015
220 Don Matteo 10 - Forever Faithful 2015
221 Don Matteo 11 - The Most Beautiful Error 2017
222 Don Matteo 11 - Scenes from a Wedding 2017
223 Don Matteo 11 - Salvation 2017
224 Don Matteo 11 - For Their Own Good 2017
225 Don Matteo 11 - Real Riches 2017
226 Don Matteo 11 - The Price of Talent 2017
227 Don Matteo 11 - Mistaken Love 2017
228 Don Matteo 11 - I’ll Take Care of You 2017
229 Don Matteo 11 - My Justice 2017
230 Don Matteo 11 - Night of the Spirit 2017
231 Don Matteo 11 - Just A Child 2017
232 Don Matteo 11 - Choose Me! 2017
233 Don Matteo 11 - Broken Hearts 2017
234 Don Matteo 11 - A Normal Family 2017
235 Don Matteo 11 - A Personal Question 2017
236 Don Matteo 11 - One of Those 2017
237 Don Matteo 11 - Parents and Children 2017
238 Don Matteo 11 - Father Matteo Held Prisoner 2017
239 Don Matteo 11 - Who Are You? 2017
240 Don Matteo 11 - One-Way 2017
241 Don Matteo 11 - The Rift 2017
242 Don Matteo 11 - Premonitions 2017
243 Don Matteo 11 - An Entire Lifetime 2017
244 Don Matteo 11 - The Power of Forgiveness 2017
245 Don Matteo 11 - The Christmas Child 2017
246 Don Matteo 12 - Non avrai altro Dio all'infuori di me 2019
247 Don Matteo 12 - Non nominare il nome di Dio invano 2019
248 Don Matteo 12 - Ricordati di santificare le feste 2019
249 Don Matteo 12 - Onora il padre e la madre 2019
250 Don Matteo 12 - Non uccidere 2019
251 Don Matteo 12 - Non commettere adulterio 2019
252 Don Matteo 12 - Non rubare 2019
253 Don Matteo 12 - Non dire falsa testimonianza 2019
254 Don Matteo 12 - Non desiderare la donna d'altri 2019
255 Don Matteo 12 - Non desiderare la roba d'altri 2019
256 Don Matteo 13 - Il giorno perfetto 2021
257 Don Matteo 13 - Amore e rabbia 2021
258 Don Matteo 13 - Il sacrificio della regina 2021
259 Don Matteo 13 - Così vicini, così lontani 2021
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